Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Big Questionnaire  

Wasn't too long ago we filed for a 501-3C Not-for-Profit for Wayward Sheep and Goats. When I heard about the I.R.S. asking for more information regarding certain applications with phrases that might become troublesome for certain political candidates and their ability to dupe the public, I figured I should check it out. I found a copy of it and then sat down for about a week and filled out most of the application. The questionnaire itself was only 13 pages but some of the answers could take as many as 25 pages to complete. I really do not want to know why the I.R.S. needs to know if we have a prayer before our meetings. How we conduct or training and what that entails should have nothing to do with their business. Oh, just read it and have fun. It's 35 pages I think and I know it's not funny to some but I did it anyway and I still have addendum's processing. Enjoy.

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