Wednesday, June 17, 2015


 Besides leaving my fishing rod at the lake it was a nice day last Saturday for a fishing trip to the secret location. Mike ran back up and got my rod back. I've never caught more than two fish a trip at this place but I threw back four and kept these two. The light one had the tastiest pinkish/orange meat I've ever eaten. Amazingly enough, the really red one had white meat. It was okay but nothing like the other. I spent two days earlier in the week up there.

The other neat thing about it all was Neo learning to swim.
He is my favorite action figure for the month of June.
...and it was fun without too much mud. The camper is the best trick I know. I am spoiled!
I drove up the middle fork to where there were no more big tracks -- just 4-wheelers. The snow and ice were up to my axles and then some. It might all be open now but I'll give it another week.

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