Thursday, August 22, 2024

WATCH LIVE: Night 4 of DNC 2024 in Chicago

Kinzinger is having another growing spurt -  in all the wrong places. There is going to be a rude awakening on its way. Fathom this - a former republican shilling for a communist.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Can This Get Any Worse?

 New Day SOS

I read Whistleblower One's testimony yesterday and started on Whistle Blower Two's an hour ago. I cannot believe this has been allowed to go this far. There has to be something wrong with the water in the D.C. Swamp.

I had a dream this morning that I died. It was very cool for about as long as it takes to catch my breath. It woke me up to a level just below conscious but frightened just the same. Now that I'm awake - I think and hope - the fear has washed off.

In my wildest, colorful dreams, inspiration shows the network like a web of ganglions, each with their infinite extensions. This world is a paradox. That's why I love it. It is beautiful and it makes perfect sense for me to be here, at the Four - Corners witnessing the SOS through the worldwide web.

What used to be the greatest experiment on Earth has turned our form of government into a hiss and a by-word. There's these guys in The Book of Mormon called the Gadiantons - they were robbers. They lied, cheated on their taxes, imprisoned their enemies for nothing and murdered at will. They were the people my mother warned me about.

Many of our three-letter institutions have adopted the Gadianton's proclivities for evil. And yes, they are evil. What else would you call killing a life inside or outside of the womb.

The modern-day Gadiantons are as shrewd as their original standard bearer -  Satan. They suppose that because they're big, bad and tough, nobody will mess with them out of fear. That's how and why they are able to classify themselves as wolves in sheep's wool. Let's call them goats and let it stand as such.

The goats have their cabals in and out of government. They run the apparatus we know as the Media. They control print and electronic information along with the airwaves. Most of the sheep still think the goats are on their side. That is the insidiousness of this whole mess.

Paul describes the apostasy and perilous times of the last days -

His epistle in 2nd Timothy Chapter 3 reads:

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affectiontrucebreakersfalse accusersincontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

Traitorsheadyhighminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

He continues with this:

13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

Folks, we are living in these perilous times.

Friday, March 31, 2023

Immaterial Matter

 13,170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds

That's how much the earth weighs. So here's a question. Has it always weighed 13,170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds and will it still weigh 13,170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds when we are all dead and gone?

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in something. People use weight and mass interchangeably in casual conversation, but they aren't actually the same thing. Earth doesn't really have "weight" because it's not being held down to a particular planet or surface. It does have "mass" because it has a certain amount of matter.

As far as the mass of Earth, it's generally just reorganizing. Matter can't be created or destroyed, so the only way that the mass of earth changes is if something enters earth that wasn't there before (like a meteor), or if something leaves earth (like the flag we left on the moon, or the robots we send to Mars).

According to some calculations, the Earth is losing 50,000 metric tons of mass every single year, even though an extra 40,000 metric tons of space dust converge onto the Earth’s gravity well, it’s still losing weight.

Chris Smith, a microbiologist, and Dave Ansel, a Cambridge University physicist provided the answer in BBC Radio 4’s More or Less program. The 40,000 metric ton of mass that accumulates comes from space dust, remnants of the formation of the solar system.

"Earth's mass is variable, subject to both gain and loss due to the accretion of in-falling material, including micrometeorites and cosmic dust and the loss of hydrogen and helium gas, respectively. The combined effect is a net loss of material, estimated at 5.5×107 kg (5.4×104 ) per year. This amount is 1017 of the total earth mass. The 5.5×107 kg annual net loss is essentially due to 100,000 tons lost due to atmospheric escape, and an average of 45,000 tons gained from in-falling dust and meteorites. This is well within the mass uncertainty of 0.01% (6×1020 kg), so the estimated value of Earth's mass is unaffected by this factor."

Since matter cannot be created or destroyed it would appear that every atomic particle of every atom, of every molecule, of every substance of everything living, dead or inanimate is still here and can be accounted for.

I was born here with nothing more than a few kicks and screams and will most likely go out the same way. Or, more likely in my case: I came into this world with nothing and still have most of it.

Help Thou my Unbelief

Douglass Mackey is facing ten years in prison for making fun of Hillary Clinton. He's the one who posted the tweet about voting for Hillary on your phone by texting a number. It was funny. Or, I thought it was.

Last night the grand jury of Alvin Braggs indicted President Trump for process crimes. The indictment is sealed but already NYT is leaking how many counts and so forth. Most of the world is going bonkers.

We took the little black kitty Lula named Jemima to Wally World in East Farmington. The little gray one is still at her place. I'll get him next week and break him in with the mutts. We weren't there more than 45 minutes before some girls smoking pot stopped to check her out. I told them if they picked her up they would have to keep her.

We went to Cortez yesterday for Chinese and groceries. It was our 50th Anniversary. We had fun if it means not much bothers us anymore at our age. I missed the red slug bug but dodged the slug so far. We got Dairy Queen this afternoon and still have a chocolate cake to fit in somehow this weekend.

I've taken my meds; even took a couple extra strength Tylenol awhile ago. I've had a gnawing headache for a month. It has given me some sleepless/sleep - shortened nights and early mornings. I do not need that. But the days are lengthening out and the sun is setting to the north of Three Monkeys now. 

We are entering the week before the final days of our Savior's life almost 2000 years ago. Some people think the end is near. Most of us think it's close but we might might still have a little time to prepare. I think time for preparation is almost over. If you haven't got it yet, you might want to buy some life insurance quickly. I'll pay mine on Monday.

The Farmington New Mexico Temple is coming along very nicely. Next time over I'll bring the camera to get some better shots.

They're building a Welcome Center and a new Stake Center, too. 

So General Conference begins tomorrow morning. We are ready so long as the electricity holds out. Lula paid the bill on the way into town to dump the kitty. I must be doing more here before He returns.

We have work to do with renewing the lease on the church building here in Teec. Lula and I got played like a cheap version of the Keystone Cops Sunday before last. But now we know what needs to be done to get the lease renewed. It's similar to a homesite lease except there is a previous lease we can work from. I have questions about a petition that need answers. So that's my plan for the coming week. I've been in contact with Salt Lake and they have been very helpful.

So, I was on The Conservative Treehouse earlier today and found a piece about fasting and prayer. The lesson was one that we had two weeks ago from Come Follow Me in the New Testament. It was taking on the Savior's yoke so that our loads might be lightened.

I felt prompted to make a journal entry and really had to force myself to make a decision. There are many more things I want to do that are useless than there are things I need to do that aren't. That's how the decision to write again came upon me. I have much more to do in my life and need not delay anymore. Here is the lesson for me today.

Mark 9:14-29

And when he came to his disciples, he saw a great multitude about them, and the scribes questioning with them.

And straightway all the people, when they beheld him, were greatly amazed, and running to him saluted him.

And he asked the scribes, What question ye with them?

And one of the multitude answered and said, Master, I have brought unto thee my son, which hath a dumb spirit;

And wheresoever he taketh him, he teareth him: and he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth away: and I spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out; and they could not.

He answereth him, and saith, O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him unto me.

And they brought him unto him: and when he saw him, straightway the spirit tare him; and he fell on the ground, and wallowed foaming.

And he asked his father, How long is it ago since this came unto him? And he said, Of a child.

And ofttimes it hath cast him into the fire, and into the waters, to destroy him: but if thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us, and help us.

Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.

When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him.

And the spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him: and he was as one dead; insomuch that many said, He is dead.

But Jesus took him by the hand, and lifted him up; and he arose.

And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why could not we cast him out?

And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.

Where are the miracles I've been praying for? Never mind. They are here and now. So be it.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Microsoft, Tracfone and Straight Talk

 Before last Wednesday, August 10, 2022, my only real problems seemed to be of my own creation. Last week's lessons were made for me. Job ain't got nothing on me now.

Two weeks ago I wrenched my lower back for the umpteenth time. Getting it healed isn't difficult; just time consuming. 

My little calico kitty had a rough go with birthing her first born. She was in labor for almost 36 hours before delivering a still born and the next day (July 31, the same day my father passed away and right in between Thomas' and Michelle's birthdays) she died.

Bad back and all, I buried her out beyond the Trio where Lula has her trail worn into the hard dirt. We were just looking at the site and the ants, stink bugs and other critters are working hard to infiltrate the grounds.

All at the same time my gardens are overrun with the same malfeasance. We planted in the first week in May and the only thing still giving the slightest hint of producing vegetables in the lower garden are a few cucumbers. But I've spent over $200 and 16 loads of water to grow five mounds of cucumbers. I planted peas and beans three times and the malfeasance overtook all plantings.

The upper garden looked really good two months ago. Bugs ate the potatoes and cantaloupe. We had watermelon, squash and zucchinis looking good, too. Now, there's one summer squash out of four hills; three little zucchinis out of four hills; no watermelons from two plantings (they were looking really good last week  before the ants ate them).

The corn isn't looking too bad and I did kill one of the large branches off the cherry tomato  but I got it planted and it looks really good. The other tomato plant in the cage by the Hogan is growing but it drinks five gallons of water every three days. The other tomato plants succumbed to malfeasance, too.

Onions are okay and there are still beets and carrots growing, albeit slowly.

But this is not why I'm here complaining like Job.

When I tried to text President Riggs a week ago Sunday to tell him I couldn't get out of bed because of my back, my phone quit working. So I waited until I could get the phone back on while trying to text Michelle for her birthday on the 1st of August. It still didn't work.

So last Wednesday I tried to update my Straight Talk account online. It said my network wasn't working and I needed to update the account. I got another card, brought it home and tried to add minutes but they wanted me to activate my phone first. When I tried the card, it said they couldn't do it because it's a TracFone. I'm like, duh. I've added minutes on a $45 plan every month for three years with a Straight Talk card over the phone.

So I called TracFone and asked them to activate the phone (970 275-1460) over the phone. I gave them $45 more and they said it would show on the phone as soon as I rebooted it. It didn't.

I spent all of Friday attempting closure but only succeeded in pissing off 7 or 8 Indians in Mumbai.

When I try to call them now, they hang up on me.

Next plan that worked seems so simple - bought a new phone. The Samsung A03e was on sale for $49.95 and it's a nice enough phone for me. The sales clerk at Wally World in Cortez was very helpful. I started to buy the A03e but wanted to make sure I could use it as a TracFone with my TracFone account. See where this is heading?

It doesn't work like that, so I bought the Samsung A03e for Tracfone with a Straight Talk wireless account! Confused yet?

In the beginning, all I wanted to do was reactivate my old phone. When that didn't work I tried to keep my number and add another phone to that number. Right! So now I have a new number on a new phone and neither TracFone or Straight Talk have the foggiest idea what they're doing. For now I have $45 missing off my debit card for a TracFone that doesn't work and a $45 Straight Talk card that Straight Talk won't add to my Straight Talk account on my TracFone.

But my friends are not against me, yet.

When I went into church yesterday for Fast and Testimony Meeting, President Riggs chastised his counselors, (Wesley and me) by way of admonishment. After our meetings we straightened it out. It is embarrassing but I'll survive. This last week's lesson was Job and his heartaches.

I once lost my faith but never came close to cursing God. It's been twenty years since I came to that place where Job did. All I wanted to do was make it all go away. Many of my friends along the path have told me the only reason I couldn't make it go away was because He wouldn't let me.

Another big wind and dirt storm blew threw here this afternoon while I was trying to fix the gardens as best I could. The gardens, like every other thing in my life right now is day to day. I do not know any of the answers as to why God allows good things to happen to the worst of us and bad things to happen to the best of us. I suppose most would say it's a crap shoot. I believe there's a reason for everything and I'm just here for the ride. Have to take the good with the bad; the sweet with the sour; fire and rain; heaven and hell.

So this morning I made the attempt to put all my ducks in order. Tracfone and Straight Talk are still not talking to me. But my phone works fine and I have more than enough sport left in me for another battleground on which to die.

About noon today, after the ping pong phone games, I logged onto this old computer my mother (bless her and dad eternally) left for me. I keep a journal on this PC because it's much easier to type on the keyboard than the laptop, tablet or either phone. Makes sense to me. The file, The Day the World Missed, is nearly 100 pages now. My Office 365 subscription is on all my devices. But somehow, Microsoft hasn't ever heard of Job.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to get Microsoft to fix anything. I think they're almost as inept as the Federal Government. Or it's a toss-up.

I've had to play pin the tail on the dumb asses all day. The only way I can edit my journal is to log onto Microsoft Office 365 (for which I pay $9.99 a month). Well, when I finally figured out how to get it (the file mentioned above) onto One Drive, it has all the functions I want for editing except the one I use on every journal entry at first - The date and time! How freaking difficult can it be to make my file available off line?

It's growing late, and there's still more work needing done online. I have Steve Bannon cued up on Gettr right now. His message Friday at CPAC in Texas is awesome and very timely, too. The Senate passed the "Tax us all more than we can afford and spend it faster than Speedy Gonzalez bill" yesterday while the FBI was preparing to raid President Trump's home in Mar- a - Lago, Florida today.

People, we need to get the tines on our pitchforks sharpened; the empty bottles for the Molotov Cocktails prepared while the price of gas is still below $5 a gallon and invest in millstones for the perverts in D.C. who are trying to take our government away from us.

If we can survive the fascists in power today we can get through to mid-term elections well off enough to correct some of the biggest problems. Fixing 2020 needs to come first!

Washington D.C. is out of control. Our cities are overrun with crime while all the largest metropolitan cities, run by mostly Democrats, have lost control because the cops are too afraid to do their jobs, courts are too lenient and the citizenry hasn't a clue. Firefighters in Seattle are being stoned while trying to do their jobs.  Congress and the interloper have left the border with Mexico wide open and we are in a crisis unparalleled in our history as a nation.

The phony pedophile in the White House wants to change the Supreme Court of the United States into a by-word. And mostly because we have to create a green enough world so snowflakes and rainbows can enjoy living in Lalaland.

And how do we think selling our liberty to a foreign power along with our oil reserves will help US in any way, shape or form? Look what your government has done to the finest military ever known to defend freedom for ourselves and our friends around the globe.

Drug cartels control the southern border while bureaucrats laugh at us because we can't or won't do a thing about it!

I'd have to say the climate looks cooked today. Meanwhile, I'm dumping my waste oil into ant hills here on the Rez. Don't worry. The water table is buried thousands of feet under 30 million years of rocks; some the size of VW Bugs; some a little smaller.

Have a nice night.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021



Why does humankind desire freedom and liberty? In opposition to God’s Economy, much of mankind still labors under the imposed rules and laws of an unequal economy without knowing why. We are either free to choose or not. In America our choices diminish by the minute today. What was originally a foundation based upon principles for hope of a better future, is now a disdain for all principles originating from God. Our Creator is now placed at the back of the rooms and halls of education and told to shut up because of that contempt. Thus, freedom is taken away and replaced with fear that something more valuable can and will be taken away in the future. That future has been here for longer than most know.

“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

The modern Amorites have infected our government. They preach the doctrines of men rather than the doctrines of salvation. And it should seem a simple task for men and women in government to choose whether to serve We the People before choosing for themselves or serving the gods of their fathers on the other side of our Declaration of Independence. Denying the existence of a Creator will not make Him go away. For this sole purpose was mankind given breath and freedom to choose good or evil.

“And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between to opinions? If the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow. And the people answered him not a word.” 1 Kings 18:21

Government cannot answer that question nor can it circumvent, through legislative powers, one of the most important articles of our liberation from oppression of the state.

Ways You Can Capitalize on Your Freedom of Speech 

The good news is that the First Amendment still exists. It’s part of the Constitution and you have every right to protection that it offers. But here’s the bad news: If we don’t start standing up for our rights and using these freedoms, they’ll start to fade. And while it might take 10, 20, or even 100 years, the government will take these freedoms from us. Now is the time to stand up. Here are several ways you can do it:


Ø  Publish your own content. While platforms like Facebook might silence conservative content and talking points, there are plenty of other ways to let your voice be heard online. For example, you can always start your own blog. In fact, The Blog Starter will show you how to do it in just 20 minutes. And once you’re up and running, you can begin publishing content and ideas for meaningful dialogue.

Ø  Engage thoughtful discourse. When you do spend time on traditional social media platforms, make it a point to only engage in thoughtful discourse. In other words, stay away from the toxic, argumentative traps that other people lay. Instead, join groups and make friends with those who are willing to look at both sides of an issue. The more these types of conversations are pushed to the top, the more media platforms have to give room for objective discussion.

Ø  Support First Amendment groups. Finally, put your money where your mouth is. Find free speech groups that you believe in and support them with your time and dollars. Oftentimes, this is the best use of your resources. They have the ability to pool money from thousands of different places, which gives them the power to spark change.

Monday, August 16, 2021



When I went to work for Chuck Alarcon in 1977 he had a 1966 Ford F-600 Tank-wagon that held 1500 gallons of anything wet you wanted to put in it. We sold and serviced quite a few accounts within the Denver – Boulder area and some beyond. Bobby worked in the two-bay service station and there was another building; detached and large enough for more than four cars at a time. While Chuck got me started on the tank wagon Bobby kept up maintenance on the trucks and cars Chuck owned as well as a long list of clients that kept us all busy. There were five underground fuel tanks behind the big shop with a loading dock for the tank wagon. In the alley, behind the larger shop was a storage room for oil in cases, drums and barrels.

I was driving up the hill on State Highway 7 toward a farm just north of the highway and west of I-25. When I went to slow down to make the turn across the road the brake pedal went all the way to the floor. I live for this stuff! Fortunately there was a hand brake on the tail of the transmission so it wasn’t that difficult, with the help of the gears, to slow it down and stop.

I used the farmers phone to call Chuck. I told him what happened and said I’d unload the fuel and come back empty. It was only 300 gallons of regular gasoline so no problem. Although, when I was driving back there was a road crew 2 miles east of Lafayette working on some pot holes. I was going downhill about 60 miles an hour when I saw the flag-dummy (that’s what I call them – it’s a simple job and any dummy can do it) turn his sign around with the STOP part showing. I started hitting gears and slowed it down enough into low 3rd gear and pulled the hand brake, slowly filling the cab full of smokey asbestos. I stopped about 10 feet away from the flag dummy and stuck out my head. I yelled out the open window, “Not bad for no brakes, huh?” I’m sure he had no idea what I meant.

Bobby was waiting for me in the big garage. He pulled off the rear left drum and found the wheel cylinders were extended as far as they could and the brake drums were too worn to be used again. But we figured out a way to get them to work. I was back on the road in less than two days and all seemed well from my viewpoint.

A couple of weeks later I loaded the tank wagon with 1500 gallons of regular unleaded then pulled around in front of the shop to load a barrel of oil or antifreeze. I don’t remember. I was headed for Joe Burns’ service station on east 6th Avenue in Denver. But I do remember starting the truck and getting ready to pull across the street to head toward Broomfield. It’s a good thing I had to stop because If I’d taken the other route I would have already been on a doomed mission. I pulled around back, unloaded the fuel and took a week’s vacation.

Chuck sent the Ford down to a shop on York Street. We picked out a new Chevy C-60, 2 ½ ton with a 366 big block Chevy and five speed Clark transmission with a 2-speed rearend. The truck was an ugly green but when they finished stretching the frame and put the tank, pumps, meters and all on it, they painted it with Imron® red and we were back in business.

So now for the rest of the story. When we got the truck it had new highway tires on it. It drove very nicely down the highway and wasn’t too bad off-road either. But it was lousy on ice like most big trucks are whether loaded or not. I loved to drive through the side streets of Boulder. Even though there are laws about that, we might have been blessed with work-arounds for laws, regulations, etc. And Flagstaff Road above Boulder is a beautiful drive any time of the year when the roads are dry. But one day between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I had to go up to Walker Ranch with 500 gallons of unleaded and 300 gallons of regular gasoline. The also had a 250-gallon tank for diesel but it wasn’t in need of servicing.

It had been snowing most of the morning and it was rather chilly that morning. I was surprised that there were people at the park looking over town from their perch atop Flagstaff. It really is beautiful. The trip uphill was slow but I never need be in a hurry in a tank wagon. I got all the fuel pumped into the tanks, made out the invoice, dropped it in the box and began back downhill. Just after going past what is now Kossler Lake, the first of the hairpins appears. I wasn’t going more than 20 mph but I could feel the rear tires losing their grip and the second I touched the brake pedal I could feel the wheels lock up and the truck started skidding rearend toward the right; front end toward the left. My first thought was to open the door, which I did. I figured if it was going over the forest and through the streets of Boulder it would have to do so without me as a passenger. Thank goodness I didn’t panic and jump. I just tapped the brakes lightly enough to straighten out the wheels and caught some sand on the right side of the road. It actually stopped right at the curve so I set brake to see if it would hold but it didn’t.

So, into 2nd gear, low on the rearend, I herded the 2 ½ ton tank wagon down the road at 8 mph. Probably took less time than I remember but that still wasn’t soon enough for me. Like I said, getting in a hurry in a truck like that doesn’t end well most of the times.

When I got back to the shop I told Chuck about those tires. They barely had 3,000 miles on them and were still good highway tires. So Bobby, Chuck and I peeled off all four tires on the rear and put snow tires on it and I started packing chains in one of the side compartments.

There are a hundred stories I could tell you about some of the wildest stuff you would probably believe, and I know your mother heard about plenty of them, but I still believe there’s a great plan in the scheme of all our days here. I’ve been recording this stuff in my journals since I was 15 years old. It never grows old for me. Guess you could say it’s probably why I’m still here.