Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tiger or Something Like it

Now I need to find parts to put this one together. The kids at the Catholic Church behind me watched while I painted this. They got a kick out of it. I got a lot done today until I stopped getting a lot done about ten minutes ago. The lesson for tomorrow is ready. The tool box is back on the truck. Dave Mossburg ran me into the city for my amitriptyline and we looked at a turtle while looking for expensive dog food at Pet Smart. They want $55 for the turtle but he does like me. He's not for me though. Mr. Anderson needs a pet. I am like the turtle myself. I can only move forward if am willing to risk sticking my neck out.

Bike Frame
The fork is in the window.
It's nice not to have anything else to do besides spray paint cheap bike frames. Maybe I can get down to Shiprock this coming week. Lula needs her Airstream hauled down to Teec and I think she wants the Wagoneer taken to her sister's place, too. I could use a couple of trips over Lizard Head Pass this month, as nice as it is now.

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